Swedish Online Gambling Industry Seeks Early Lifting of Pandemic Restrictions

Swedens internet gaming sector is pressing its administration to abolish provisional limitations on digital casinos earlier than anticipated. The initial strategy was to remove the limitations on November 14th. However, after the government declared that all pandemic-related restrictions would be lifted on September 29th, the online gambling sector lobbied to have their limitations lifted then as well.

They contend that the limitations were implemented based on the notion that individuals would wager more if confined to their homes, but statistics imply this hasn’t occurred. They reference research demonstrating that while there was an initial surge in the number of gamblers when the pandemic commenced, the average sum gambled actually declined. They also highlight that since the public health agency is withdrawing its recommendation to work remotely, it’s logical to lift the online gambling limitations concurrently to preserve consistency.

The Swedish iGaming Trade Organization is urging governmental authorities to remove all pandemic-related limitations, particularly those impacting the gaming sector. They contend that as Sweden returns to normalcy, the wagering industry should follow suit.

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